Design Lead

Full Time (9:00am-6:00pm GST)


Abu Dhabi


6-10 years+

Design Lead who is expert with designinig and leading a Team. Also expert on figma and sketch

What we are looking for

Responsibilities:Analyse research findings to inform design directions.Analyse results of feasibility tests through regular project reviews.Communicate research findings to help stakeholders make informed decision making.Develop cohesive design plans, concepts and prototypes in collaboration with stakeholders.Develop schedules, timeline and budgets for projects.Evaluate new design ideas or concepts.Initiate research activities based on project requirements.Plan objectives and agendas for design workshops.Present design recommendations, proposals and options to stakeholders.Provide feedback to direct reports and junior team members.Provide on-the-job training to direct reports and junior team members.Review research reports before circulation to stakeholders.Troubleshoot issues during project implementation.

What we expect from you

We are in search of a Design Lead who can manage all aspects of the design process, from research and ideation, to creative conceptualisation and design. He/She collaborates with stakeholders to research and develop cohesive design plans, concepts and prototypes.

How to apply

Send your CV to with the subject line: Application for Design Lead Position

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