Sr. Scrum Master

Full Time (9:00am-6:00pm GST)


Dubai/Abu Dhabi


3-8 Years+

Sr. Scrum Master is required with expertise of agile, scrum, jira and kanban

What we are looking for

We are in search of an experienced and certified Scrum Master to join our team. The Scrum Master will be responsible for coaching the team and organization in Agile practices, facilitating sprint planning and stand-up meetings, and helping the team to deliver on their commitments. The ideal candidate will have 3-8 years of experience working in Agile environments and will be certified by the Scrum Alliance.

What we expect from you

The Scrum Master’s job responsibilities include, but are not limited to: Helping the team to self-organize, self-manage, and continuously improve Ensuring that the Scrum process is followed Helping the team to identify and remove impediments to their progress Shielding the team from external interference Facilitating Scrum ceremonies, including sprint planning, sprint review/demo, and sprint retrospective Helping the team to continuously improve their process and delivery Coach, mentor, and support the team members Keep the product owner and stakeholders informed of the team’s progress

How to apply

Send your CV to with the subject line: Application for Sr. Scrum Master Position

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